Learn your Media Education Motivation

No matter what your motivation is, Digital Learning Motivation Quiz for Educators has ideas to improve digital & media literacy in your classroom.

Respond to these statements according to how important they are to you:

Questions :

1 - People are passive when they don’t notice biases and points of view that are embedded in media messages.

2 - You can be misled by media when you don’t know where the information comes from.

3 - The real purpose of television is to sell audiences to advertisers.

4 - I’m worried about how few companies control the publishing, broadcasting, film and Internet business.

5 - Citizens have an obligation to express themselves about the causes they believe in.

6 - We risk losing our democracy if we don’t create a generation of activists who help preserve it.

7 - Too often, media distracts students from the information and ideas that are really important.

8 - I worry that students’ media use interferes with their concentration and motivation in school.

9 - You won’t be able to compete in the workplace unless your emails, writing, videos and photos are polished and professional.

10 - When students make amateur-looking media productions, it’s hard to know whether they’ve learned anything.

11 - When it comes to digital media, if you don’t participate, you will be left behind.

12 - Students who aren`t active online are isolated from the rest of the world.

13 - The most competitive schools of the future will invest in the right technology tools and help students learn to use them well.

14 - If my school doesn’t keep up with technology trends, we will fall behind.

15 - I worry that some media and technology may promote antisocial behavior.

16 - If students don’t share how they feel about media and popular culture, they miss out on opportunities for emotional growth.

17 - If I don`t give my students flexibility to be creative, they may not learn to speak for themselves.

18 - Too many people are disengaged from the process of learning and developing their own unique knowledge and skills.

19 - If I`m not familiar with students` popular culture, they will think that I`m not really connected to their lives.

20 - It`s not easy to connect with young people if I don`t share an interest in their movies, music, fashion, and celebrities.

21 - Most of the messages on mainstream media like broadcast TV networks are a waste of time.

22 - Too many people are ignorant about alternative media found in some magazines, music and movies.

23 - Students can be trapped by their own narrow interest in popular culture.

24 - I worry about the lack of complexity in contemporary popular culture.

25 - When you know how a website, videogame or TV show is actually made, it changes the way you see media forever.

26 - Media producers make careful, conscious choices when they create movies, TV shows, and websites.

27 - Combating stereotypes in media is essential to improving people’s well-being.

28 - You can change someone’s life by teaching them how to resist media messages.

29 - It is essential for young people to use digital media in the classroom to advocate for social change.

30 - When young people take social action through digital media, they can change the world.

31 - The best thing about the Internet is the access to rich content, ideas and information that I can use in the classroom.

32 - Digital media makes it easier for students to interact with subject matter some students find boring.

33 - When students use the same tools that professionals use, they know that their voices are more likely to be heard.

34 - When students work hard, they can create productions that look and sound as good as what you see in mainstream media like Hollywood or broadcast news.

35 - When used to its fullest potential, social media can transform education.

36 - The more we share online, the more we contribute to society.

37 - When students learn to master a new technology tool, they gain special knowledge and status.

38 - Good educational technologies help teachers teach better.

39 - Media helps students activate their feelings and emotions in the classroom to promote learning.

40 - Using media in the classroom promotes empathy and social understanding.

41 - When students really care about a topic, nothing can stop them from learning more.

42 - Students" creativity is unleashed when they discover topics that compels their interests.

43 - Keeping up with young people"s popular culture puts me in touch with my students.

44 - Young people’s interest in popular culture can promote an interest in school subjects.

45 - Alternative films and documentaries are more interesting and useful for my students than Hollywood movies.

46 - Students" lives are enriched when they seek alternative media representations.

47 - Students" lives are enriched when they understand how and why the classics in various forms of media are relevant to present day issues.

48 - Children should be given access to the rich cultural history provided by classics in film and literature.